Client Portfolio Showcase Policy

Effective Date: February 14,2024

Incorporating Client Projects on Pearstec Website:

Pearstec LLC (“Pearstec”) may showcase successfully completed projects or achieved milestones from client engagements on its website, (“Website”). This serves as a platform to demonstrate our capabilities and offer potential clients valuable references.

Client Consent:

  • Prior to showcasing any client project or milestone, Pearstec will obtain explicit written consent from the client. This consent will outline the specific elements to be displayed (e.g., project description, screenshots, testimonials).
  • The client has the right to refuse showcasing or request specific information to be omitted.

Project Representation:

  • Pearstec will accurately and respectfully represent the client’s project and brand values.
  • Any confidential information or intellectual property will be excluded unless explicitly authorized by the client.

Client Benefits:

  • The client project will receive a backlink to their website, potentially improving their search engine ranking.
  • The showcase serves as a public reference, demonstrating the client’s successful collaboration with Pearstec.

Removal Request:

  • Upon written request from the client, Pearstec will promptly remove the project showcase from the Website.


  • Client projects displayed on the Website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsements or guarantees of future results.
  • Pearstec reserves the right to modify or remove any project showcase at its discretion, with due notice to the client.

By engaging with Pearstec, the client acknowledges and agrees to the terms of this Client Portfolio Showcase Clause.